February 12, 2008

Oh, Goodness Me! An Amy Butler Contest

Get to Sewing!
I almost missed out on this contest. I didn't even know it was happening!
They are accepting entries until Feb 29th-- and it appears that there have only been 52 entries.



Anonymous said...

I just heard about that too! I can't wait to see your awesome bag.

Lisa said...

Hi Darcy! I saw your post in craftster about getting a crafty group together in the East Bay. Have you gotten one together? I'm in the East Bay and would love to join up with other people. You can check me out at my brand new blog; it's lisainca.blogspot.com.

Lisa said...

Thanks for the response! I am going to look around some more for a group and I'll let you know if I find anything, if you're still interested in joining one.